Cold Drinks 汽水 / 冷飲

21 –  Classic Coke / Sprit

(21 可口可/ 雪碧 $90nt

22 – Cherry Doctor Pepper* / Mountain Dew*

(22 櫻桃 [胡椒博士] 可樂 或 香草可樂* / 團山露汽水 * $100nt

23 – The Kinks’ Freshly Mixed Cherry Cola: “C-O-L-A Cola”

(23 )

手工櫻桃可樂 $100nt手工

24 – Ed Sheeran’s Handmade Ginger Ale

(24手工製作薑汁汽水 $120nt手工

25 – Soda Green’s Freshly Mixed Green Apple Soda

(25 ) 蘇打綠的手工製作青蘋果汽水 $120nt手工

26 – Taylor Swift’s Mango Soda (Taylor’s Version)

(26 手工芒果雪碧 (泰勒絲全新版) $120nt手工

27 – Shirley Temple (non-Alcoholic cocktail)

(27 手工製作秀蘭寺 (美國著名的無酒精雞尾酒)* $120nt

28 – Adele’s Fruit Flavoured Spritzer

(28) 手工製作調味汽水 $100nt

29 – Led Zeppelin’s Fruit Vinegar (apple or grape)

(29 ) 果味飲用醋 (蘋果、葡萄 ) $100nt

30 – Billie Eilish’s Cup of Bitter Tears (AKA: sparkling water)

(30) 原味氣泡 $80nt

* 有限的可用率 / * limited availability